little girls

this body of work was born out of a tragic event in my life. when my niece, marissa, drowned at the age of 15 months. not knowing how to deal with the grief and the void that was left behind, i began making these mixed media collages with faceless little girls. the figurative element in this work was something foreign to my process, but then again the overwhelming sorrow that i felt was something foreign to my heart.

the day before marissa drowned, she was in my studio where she decisively picked up a pencil and thoughtfully began drawing on a piece of paper. as i replay these moments in my head, she has become my inspiration of what it means to let go, and let whatever is inside to flow out onto the canvas. no fear, no hesitation, and complete confidence in the honest expression of making marks. what began as a means of dealing with the pain and loss of my god-child, has become a journey where i often find myself identifying with the faceless figures in the work.

little girl

losing my place

remembering gets harder

safety nest

a highly textured, mixed media composition in orange-yellow hues, playing with perspectives in space, juxtaposed with winter trees and figures of faceless girls

the choices often look the same

the memories we are left with

what we see when we look back

transparent spaces of being

between here and there

untitled specimens