nests and scapes

this change is constant…
whether i seek it out,
or it occurs without my permission
nonetheless it is there.
it requires me to adapt
to move forward in new ways,
despite my fears
or objections.
infiltrating my routine, my life.
whether i acknowledge it or not,
it presents itself
giving me the opportunity to evolve with it…
or remain fixed.
this body of work is my journey through change.

the comfort i find in these barren landscapes,
although they have been emptied
it is where new beginnings are possible.
the strength i feel in the leafless trees
rooted to survive the elements
enduring through the seasons.
the security i have in the refuge of the nest
where well-being is nurtured and cultivated
the hope that i see in the new growth
uncertain of what it may bring
yet trusting in who i am.

at the edge of nature
a sequence for organic reactions

perfect stillness

in the middle ground
patapampa pass II

patapampa pass III

patapampa pass IV

the clowns